Monday, December 1, 2008

hols are boring, school's are boring too /: wtf is wrong with life? studying sucks, working sucks also. tsktsktsk nyways am rotting over the hols liao and its December 1st today, nothing to do again. my most annoying cousin ' The oh-so-famous Johnz13 ' some of you people know him because he added you and he's in p5 this year so next year p6 lah. how i wish he fails he's PSR muahahahahhahahahahahahhahaha *wiggle eyebrows* ok am not that evil still evil but not that evil BUT.. evil, if u don't get what i mean nvm. i remember saying i'll post up the pic's when am in KL but even tho i don't post up the photos also nvm one cause i have no readers ^^ my blog A VERY VERY BORING type of it only Sharlynne would want to read (seriously only her) you see my counter hit got 1000+ now doesn't mean there's really that much people go view my blog, its because Sharlynne and me keep viewing my page nia lol sad right? nyeehh not really lah i sign-up for this blog thingy is to type out every crappy thing i have to say and those things happening.. some of the teachers in my school know's my link O.O thats really really really really horribuleh. how the heck do they even know that i have a blog and my link? so stufu one ah hahah. &! actually i can be not that boring everyday one just that i didn't go for my netball practice heh ;x no transport bah blame who?! my parents loo :P nolaa cannot blame them, you ever see me blamming my parents having me meh? no mah kan =D i'll keep quiet now. OHH and the picture below, he's my new born cousin :)

and i found this band (Korea Band) long time ago and now baru i post bout them. HAWTT? the 2 middle one (with the peace sign and the one on the left of the peace sign guy) Amelia got told me bout their names but i forgot x.x