Wednesday, October 15, 2008

alcoholic's of F1C is gonna be DOOOOOOOMED! because of some people drink alcohol in class like in lunch break lah including me :'( & the disiplined master is gonna check us thanks to some cb muthafarking asshole bitch! told the councelorr about it! IF I FOUND OUT WHO THE FARKING HELL TOLD THAT TO THE COUNCELOR IM GONNA KILL THAT GUY/GIRL TILL HE/SHE HAS THEIR JUBUR GETS HANCURR AND NEVER GET TO SHIT ON THEIR CB TOILET!! :/ i've heard people saying, the disiplined master found the bottle but thats like kinda'of impossble wah~ we'd throw every vodka's bottle away! like far farr AWAAAYY!! & i know those older reader's would say 'Kids Nowadays' like soo what? & maybe.. we're gonna get expelled /: