Saturday, September 20, 2008

finally i'd finished my commerce project. Ms.Sim wants us to advertise something, i was actually gonna do on iPod after that i don't think nice enough so i'd change it and the next thing i feel like doing was CoookieeeMonstaaa! but the picture all can't really see hes whole thing so yeeah changed again -.- after thaaaaattt.. its ELMO! because his always beside cookieemonster ahahaha but then all hes picture's are soo EMO thass why they named him elmo =p ahah lame. so annoying kan keep changing =DD but finally!! i've found what am gonna advertise and its. . .

TADAAHHH!!its monkeeyy! lol i know its lame but its cute baahh. its too adorable to resist! :D and there's pictures of CookieeMonstaa and Elmoyy too ^^

and am off :)