Monday, December 1, 2008

i was tagged by Philbert the Gay Boy! (:

what's the relationship of you with him/her?
- friends

5 impression towards him/her?
- x5 He's gay XD

the most memorable thing that she/he said to you?

the most memorable thing that she/he done to you?
- none?

if she/he becomes your lover, you will...
- neverrr ever ever never ever going to happen (:

if she/he becomes your enemy, you will...
- its fine with me :p

if she/he becomes your love, she/he has to improve on...
- dontknow and the answer is the same as the top top one xp

if she/he becomes your enemy, the reason is?
- dontknow pun ~

the most desirable things to do on him/her is?
- 0.0 nothing

the overall impression on him/her is?
- very very gay and happy, a good friend also lah. nice to bully tho hahah

how do you think people around you feel about you?
- lame and weird

the character of you about yourself is?
- siao x] (cerazy)

on contrary, the character of yourself you hate is?
- err always cannot concentrate on studies kua? D:

the most ideal person you wanna be is?
- dontknow..

for the people who care about you and likes you, say something about them.
- thanks for you all suckers muahahaha ~ okok.. may god bless you all. TEEHEE !