Tuesday, December 23, 2008

i didnt go to KK today cause my daddy was busy today.. so yeah~
but I'm going tomorrow! :D wish me luck.
yknow why? cause the last time i went to KK we sampai the ferry there, then it rain so heavily till the ferry cannot board cars?!! pffft. kanasai for sure hahaha
and i wont be posting about the trip till next year... and the reasons is because i dont have the cable for the camera cause LALA has it -.- curse curse! plus i dont think am even gonna blog again till like err i dunno, NEXT YEAR'S TEST 1 FINISHED? x.x Hiatus? nyeeeh i hope not.
heh i just hope this ends well D:
khhrr i have to sleep now, have to wake-up frekin early tmr.
ciaaoo (: