- Bm - 75marks ( NOOO it cant be.. ugghhhh)
- English - 73marks
- Commerce - 60marks
- Maths - 57marks
- Science - 55marks
- Chinese - 54marks (kalok`ness! :D)
- Geo - 45marks (screw!!)
- History - 36.5marks (its freaking hard ok T.T)
- MIB - 34 over 60
thats my FYE's marks for all the subs *criesoutloud* my laobu is totally going to screw me for good! crapcake mahnn ~ also, i didn't study that hard for it heh /: none of this got 80 and above! esp BM leh mana eh tahan!!!!!! life is unfair cause people are LAZY. i haven't told my mummy bout my maths and history, imma feeling guilty why? any reasons? i guess not :'/ sigghhhh. .