I just is SO SO mad at you! Why can't you understand?! Are parents always like that? PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY YES, THEY ARE ALWAYS LIKE THAT! You just really had to make my day worst, huh? Does making my life miserable or sad makes you feel good? WTF like WTF! Damnit I'm so mad right now. This isn't what you called being "caring" lah ok? Suck ball :) I am not going to say, oh fcuk you because I do not hell wanna fcuk you!
And thinking positive makes it wayyy better than being emo for the whole day. If I did gotten emo for the rest of the day then I'm the one who's making it worst isn't it? Thats why, I shall blog and type whatever I feel like typing craps about (retard .|.). And omg, the feeling when I was with them on the court, playing with them, it's like, I'm such a loser.. A BIG ONE. Why can't I ever improve? WHY OH WHY? :'( Crying out about all these will make me feel better and.. I.. I.. just don't think I can make it to the team. Fcuking obvious I suck so bad! I'll drag the whole team down, but I know, I won't get chosen so, no worries for me. This year, I'll be sitting at the bench cheering for you guys.. again. By maintaining a happy mood, avoid thinking bout negative stuff Tien! JUST STOP THINKING. On the bright side, I'll know that I've tried my best and gave it all, I still can't make it, and I'm helping the team to win :) by not playing.
Happy people ain't always happy yknow? All those emo emo people will only say "they always very happy one hor, never sad one." Well, fyi emo people, when "happy people" gets emotional, WE'LL EFFIN win you in being emo. We tried so hard to be happy and let others feel better and know that, people still can be happy even when you have nothing expensive or luxurious. You may think "aiya, you where will have any sad problems? You everyday so happy ah, like me meh, everyday sad this sad that, haisss (that what my friends always tell me -.-)." WRONG again boobs. Once again, being emo is pwnage cheeseball, agree not? I bet ya'll emo people out there is being envy. You guys can also wad. Problem is.. YA AIN'T THINKIN' OUTSIDE the box.
Living in your own world can be nice but, try socializing more. Random Fact: Do you know that Banana has a kind of chemical/whatever that can actually make you feel happier? I want this very badly, and I know it myself too :'( KARMA PLEASE help me. Though, I never did anything nice or holly (sp?). WHATEVER LAH! I know I won't get in anyways (AND QINYI, STOP ASKING ME TO BELIEVE! It doesn't work on me tee dot tee).
p/s: Pardon me for grammar errors and my speaking. Is mad, so don't think I care ^^!