Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
round guy that we're gonna miss :)
a guy which is round. been knowing him for only a few months but already jadi good friends :D and he's gonna leave tmr T.T so sad. . hes moving to JIS from CHMS because hes father wanted him to move there -.- and its better. as marc said: " JIS is better and i can't wait to move there " apalah?! so on thursday night which i forgot which thursday was it, me and some of the F2B's people went to escapade for marc's farewell FAMILY DINNER! xDD its was fun having dinner with them bcus we also NOT TO MENTION laughing and things hah? and stupid marvin and tay fight fight with me and gay gay with them :K overall its was ok ;) sooo going to miss yahh marc aaron and your relaxing times ;P and and u owe me shweppes ( sure spelling mistake) :S
Sunday, August 10, 2008
beed boreed.
so so fun going out with them HEEHHS.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
prefects xO
Sunday, August 3, 2008
she's gone
thats she on the left - testing out her new phone =]
Saturday, August 2, 2008
stuff =]
today, the lamest day of the entire sports life LMAO~ early in the morning around 7.30am everyone who had an event today is gonna compete ofcourse so we take off, lol, to stadium hassanal bolkiah. after arriving, everyone goes for warm ups and the competition starts at around 9am. SHU YEE the girl which her event is shotput o.o! tough girl eehh, terus mampus if she's on the top of youu D:! HAHAHAH! she kena DQ of bcus of stepping out the dangg line -.-! she's so pissed that she laugh like hell? hahahah and another story pops out, her laughing? start totally from a guy named KYLE roflmaoo~~ man that guy's funny :DD me and SHU YEE was imagining lame lame and weird things that we can't stop laughing HAHAHAH! we talked about the guy KYLE from 11am+ sampai we got home XDDD! random right? bcus we getting bokok`er every single time we imagine more damn funny stuffs XPPP plus SOO YOONG is included too ^^! and people run we shout and we shout people run and blaaahhh thanggss =]